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spiritual ecology

Self study (svadhyaya) is an essential principle of yoga that encourages us to witness and contemplate the state of our minds, bodies and souls and to use what we notice to heal our thoughts, words, actions, relationships and environments. 

Observing and studying our inner and outer landscapes is spiritual ecology, a practice of discovering the places where our personal, social and natural environments intersect and interact and learning to care for the energy, elements, and habitats we all share.


community learning spaces

Grow your soul in gardens of wellness where we gather to take refuge in the Earth and reconnect with our true nature.  Learn and practice postures, conscious breathing and meditation.


Map the terrain of your inner landscapes and chart a path for your journey to wholeness under the guidance of a certified instructor. Individual  and small group sessions available.


Gain tools to teach communities to tend the wild within and bring peace to our planet. Sustain the support of a steward of yogic wisdom and ecological knowledges in cultivating change. 

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